Decked Out Marine
Neil Warkentin
Owner – Decked Out Marine & Hooked Up Fishing Adventures
Neil Warkentin grew up in Chilliwack on a family farm operating equipment. He also had the opportunity to work in the family automotive industry. His passion for the great outdoors and experiencing many adventures on the Fraser River has led him to be a professional fishing guide since 2008. As an experienced guide he has had the opportunity to work with the Fraser River Lodge since 2012. He is an expert jet boat captain with over 4000 hours of experience; which gains him the ability to manoeuvre through the most challenging rivers around BC. He is committed to giving the best service and craftsmanship with innovative products and services.
Jesse Harrison
Partner – Decked Out Marine
Jesse Harrison spent his childhood on Harrison lake. There he got a taste for boats, marine activities & beautiful B.C! Many years of commercial fishing on the ocean have given insight and technical marine experience. The ability to think outside the box! These paired with a passion for upgrades & excellence in service have driven him toward the marine industry!